If you are installing under house installation and need all the rubbish under your house removed, or just need under house rubbish removal in general, there are two effective ways to go about removing and disposing of the rubbish.
Most people go the traditional route of buying a flexi bin or hiring a skip bin, although, this solution is good, it can leave you with multiple problems if you do not weigh up your situation first.
That is why we put together a comparison for the two most effective under house rubbish disposal service – 0800 Dump Me Rubbish Removal vs Do- It- Yourself- Flexi Bin Rubbish Removal.
With both these services we encourage you to evaluate your under-house rubbish situation before going ahead with any options.
A good way to evaluate which service you require is asking yourself these questions:
- How many cubic meters of rubbish do you have under the house?
- What type of rubbish do you have under the house that needs to be disposed of?
- Do you have time to remove the rubbish yourself?
- How easy is it to move the rubbish from under your house to the front of your property?
- Does your current health situation allow you to do the job yourself or you need to call professionals in?
0800 Dump ME vs Flexi Bin Under House Rubbish Removal
Service Areas
Flexi Bin
Before purchasing a flexi bin check if they service your area, as some areas require an extra pick up fee and some areas are not in their service area.
0800 Dump Me
We service the Auckland Region. Before booking, check if we service your area here. There are no extra pick up fees for different regions.
Under House Rubbish Removal
Flexi Bin
Flexi Bins require you to buy the flexi bin online or in selected stores, then at home you must set the flexi bin up 4 meters from the curb of the road (on your Property) so the truck can reach it on collection.
After that, you will need to lift and load all the rubbish into the flexi bins yourself.
This means crawling under the house and clearing the rubbish by dragging it out and carrying it to the front of your property where the flexi bin is located and placing it into the bin.
After your flexi bin is full, you need to book and pay for the collection of the Flexi Bin.
0800 Dump Me
To book an 0800 Dump Me under house rubbish removal service, call in to get an estimate quote then if you are happy with the estimate quote, you will be booked in. On the day, the team will arrive, requote you onsite, if you accept the onsite quote, they will removal all the rubbish for you.
Our team will crawl under the house, remove all the rubbish, and then lift and load it onto the truck and will dispose of the rubbish for you.
This means you will not have to lift or remove anything, our professionals do it all for you.
Call us on 0800 386 763 or email on info@0800dumpme.co.nz and our friendly customer service team can discuss your options to remove your flexi bag with you.