Industry News and Updates

Industry News and Updates

How to safely throw away glass, nappies and needles.

Everyday we throw away general items such as food and packaging and don’t really have to worry about how we throw it away. Although, there are some items that cause safety hazards if not thrown away in a specific way and correctly. Items like glass, nappies and needles are some of those items. How to […]

How to safely throw away glass, nappies and needles. Read More »

How much rubbish does Christmas produce?

Christmas is upon us, and as we get ready to celebrate with our loved ones by sitting around the Christmas tree, gift giving, eating food and spending quality time together, we don’t really think about the massive waste that Christmas produces. With all the wrapping paper, extra food scraps, present packaging, ribbons, bows, Christmas trees,

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Rubbish dump prices in Henderson, Auckland.

In New Zealand, it is estimated that we produce 17.49 million tonnes of waste per year. This includes all waste including recyclable materials. So, how do you get rid of your massive pile of rubbish in Auckland? Well, of course the simple, easy option is to get us to remove it and dump it for

Rubbish dump prices in Henderson, Auckland. Read More »

Charity Shops in the Henderson Area

Spring is upon us which means a spring clean out is bound to happen. Whether you are doing a clean out before or after you get your Christmas gifts, you will want to know where you can donate your lightly used things or where to go to get a bargain for the new year. The

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How much rubbish goes into the ocean yearly?

New Zealand has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and if you have ever lived here, you will most likely take at least one trip to the beach this holiday season. However, we don’t usually think about the huge amount of rubbish that ends up in our beloved ocean that affects not

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How much rubbish goes into the Auckland landfill annually?

  Since the new year is approaching, we thought it would be helpful to look back on 2019 regarding our landfill in Auckland. Not many people realize how much rubbish they throw away a day, let alone a in a year and although Auckland’s goal is to be a zero-waste city by 2040, its looking

How much rubbish goes into the Auckland landfill annually? Read More »

School Rubbish Removal

At this time of year, classrooms are being tidied up in preparation for the following year’s influx. There is likely to be more rubbish than normal to be disposed of, so why not give us a call so we can assist and provide a quote, to remove the accumulation of rubbish from these decluttering exercises.

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Carpet Removal

Has your carpet underlay decided it too old to cope and you now have wrinkles in your carpet or your much-loved pets have given it a very undesirable smell? Is it badly stained, worn or perhaps is water damaged from a storm or leak? Perhaps you are thinking of carpet renovation, not only because its

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Tyre Industry Appealing for Government Support of Tyre Recycling We often receive queries from commercial companies on how they can dispose of large quantities of tyres. We work with our local Tyre shredding firm to provide the best most economical and ecological solution to our clients. Plus, with an ever-expanding population in Auckland, the increased use of electric cars, it’s anticipated more cars

Tyre Industry Appealing for Government Support of Tyre Recycling Read More »

China refuses to be the world’s dumping ground

In 2016 China took half of the world’s waste plastic for recycling. These plastics are then used to manufacture plastic products that are sold around the world and domestically. Now China is saying that imported rubbish is causing problems locally. There is an environmental cost to intensive recycling. Often the recycling materials are not sorted

China refuses to be the world’s dumping ground Read More »